NSW, Australia
Halls Peak Base Metals Project
Halls Peak Base Metals Project is located 87km south-east of Armidale, a major regional hub in NSW. Access to the Project is through the sealed Armidale-Dorrigo Road to Wollomombi (41km), then 20.3km via the Kempsey Road to the turn-off onto Raspberry Road, that joins the Gibsons Mine area turn-off.
All major base and precious metal deposits are accessible by dirt roads constructed to support previous mining and exploration efforts. The tenements are primarily situated on the east escarpment of the Chandler River gorge, entrenched more than 651 metres below the Halls Peak Trig. Station.

Property Size and Claims
The Project consists of two Exploration Licenses located in north-eastern NSW (EL4474 & EL7679), covering 132 square kilometres. These tenements cover key areas of known mineralisation.
First Nations
The Ainiwain and Nganyawana people are the traditional custodians of the land.
Community Consultation
The Annual Community Consultation Reports for the Halls Peak Project can be accessed here.
Local Resources and Infrastructure
The city of Armidale is the administrative centre for the northern tablelands region of NSW. Armidale is located approximately halfway between Sydney and Brisbane, at the junction of the New England Highway and Waterfall Way.
The city has a major hospital, is home to the University of New England, has multiple primary and secondary schools, multiple accommodation options, sport and recreational facilities and modern services are readily available. Altitudes range from 970 metres at the valley’s floor to 1,110 metres above sea level at the crests of the hills. Armidale’s elevation gives it a milder climate than most of northern New South Wales, but the summers are still very warm. Winters are long and cool, with many frosty nights.
The Armidale railway station is on the Main North railway line and is served by daily passenger trains to and from Sydney. Armidale’s airport has five daily scheduled flights to and from Sydney with less frequent services to Brisbane.
Halls Peak Deposit Model
Halls Peak hosts a large mineralised SEDEX system, with numerous widespread high-grade zinc-lead-copper-silver deposits. The system extends beyond the boundaries defined by the historic mines and prospects, which has a defined area of at least 17.5km2 (3.5km south to north from Khans Creek Mine to Sunnyside Prospects and at least 5km from east of Faints Mine to Keys Prospect).Drilling completed by Critical Resources confirmed base metal sulphide mineralisation extends vertically over 300m in deepest holes drilled.
The Halls Peak VTEM Conductor Setting is analogous to McArthur River Deposit. The McArthur River SEDEX system is a world class deposit, with a mineralised zone that covers approximately 2km2 and an approximate thickness of 55m containing eight discrete ore zones. The proven and probable ore reserves at the McArthur River mine were estimated to be 177 million tonnes, with an emphasis on zinc, lead and silver.
The large VTEM anomaly discovered at Halls Peak is controlled by faults, similar to McArthur’s SEDEX structural setting. It is assessed that the conductive zone at Halls Peak is complex and consists of two types of conductors, 1 – steeply dipping (or subvertical) conductors and 2 – subhorizontal blocky, lens or layer conductors. Geologically the steeply dipping conductors likely reflect faults which could be channels for solutions transportation (feeding channels).